
jus cogens

Secretaries of State have a lot of power.

Wherever you stand on these initiatives, I can't believe the failure rate is as high as they've tested for the mere fact that it's so overwhelmingly annoying to get approached by what appear to be homeless people collecting signatures. I don't feel like they're clever enough to make up thousands of names and addresses and I can't fathom someone whose not registered to vote being willing to take the time to sign anything that requires standing next to these people. Yes, I said these people and I'm speaking incredibly condescendingly about them. Those people. Maybe I haven't thought this out enough but I'm just not making sense of the numbers on an interpersonally interactive level.

Maybe we should just let the courts decide all the initiatives this year in consultation with Jan Brewer? Marking my ballot is so cumbersome and time consuming and they seem to know what's best.

Friday afternoons at Durant's is hopping for the political scenesters. If you're a climber or have trouble making friends this is a great place to go and kiss some ass and buy drinks for folks on both sides of the aisle.

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